Meet the JTA Team

The Artist
Jeff is the heart and soul of JTA, making the art you enjoy, choosing every theme and orchestrating each design. When he's not painting (a rare event), he's likely watching a Hallmark movie, The Golden Girls, playing with his dogs, or taking a nap. If you gave Jeff one wish, it would probably be to clone himself.

The Boss
Caryle is Jeff’s wife and resident Chaka Khan. You can find Caryle doing all sorts of things, including invoicing, making bows, ordering supplies, and attempting to help Jeff coordinate orders. If she could do anything, Caryle would very much like to sit on the beach with an umbrella drink reading a book.

Rogue, Finnley, & Trooper
The Freeloaders
The JTA mascots are here to lift everyone's spirits and sometimes get in the middle of everything and encourage us to stop and rest. Their only wishes are for more belly rubs, table scraps, and people to keep buying from JTA so they can continue their candy-ass lifestyle. Please send snacks, especially to Finnley.

The Rev
Abby is the bright, beating heart of JTA. What does she do? Everything, from helping at the lives to working a register to dropping everything to come base coat, ship, or watch the dogs while Jeff and Caryle take JTA on the road. When The Rev isn't working at JTA, she's busy being awesome.

The IT Department
Ali manages the IT needs within the JTA empire. Occasionally she'll base coat boards and help with shipping. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her husband and their two children. The Sauters have 4 dogs and an upcoming breeding business called 51 Barkingham Palace.

The Musician
At JTA, Anna will be found base coating boards, wiring door hangers, and tying on ribbons. Her day job is being a music performance major at the University of Iowa, and when she's not playing french horn, she's drawing, playing video games, and taking care of her horse.

Dee Dee
The Foreman
Dee Dee is Jeff’s sister and Lead Foreman of shipping. If she's not working for Jeff, carting kids, or managing the Castro household, she's socializing with friends, shopping for her next decorating find, and planning her next beach vacation.

The Future
Emerson is our littlest and mightiest member of the JTA family. Emerson is an organizer, helper, money taker, and all around asset to the team. She loves sports, Harry Styles, Tik Tok, and even her twin brother(sometimes)!

The Grandma
Jeanette’s job is to assemble and package the door hanger of-the-month for speedy delivery. She loves being the envy of her apartment complex with her very own door hanger each month. In her free time she enjoys the company of her family and friends. She has 5 grandchildren and 4 grand-dogs.

The Front Office
Jun is Jeff’s enby-of-all-trades, doing everything from base coating to websites to the occasional Casey’s run. If you send an email to JTA, they will likely answer it. When Jun isn't working for Jeff, they work on their grossly overdue novels , read comics and danmei, and play video games.

The Counselor
Lori is the JTA camp counselor. She has multiple talents and is there for anything the team needs, especially moral support. When not helping JTA, Lori teaches first grade and enjoys spending time with her family.

The Handyman
Known around JTA as Handyman Heideman, Ron is always voted most likely to put together a shelf, invent something to solve a problem, drill a hole in a wood block, or any other number of odd jobs that need doing. Ron enjoys reading, especially high fantasy, and working for social and environmental justice.

The Delivery Guy
Former purveyor of knowledge and leader of the future (retired teacher), Scott is the wheels on the JTA bus and a general source of support. He's the JTA team member most likely to bring you that special something you ordered. He's also a frequent errand runner, including fetching all those boards and door hangers.